Antiviruses and IoT – Protecting Against IoT Threats

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As we become more dependent on connected technology for managing our homes and companies, cybersecurity is the top concern for a lot of users. The threats that IoT devices face are quite different from the threats faced by traditional computers and require a whole new set of tools to safeguard them from harm.

With a variety of IoT device types on the market, each with its own operating system and software, it’s no surprise that malware attacks targeting these types of devices are increasing. Lack of standard software can make it difficult to develop security tools for a variety of devices.

In 2016, threat actors used an ingenuous hack on IoT devices to create one of the largest botnet attacks in the history of the internet, destabilizing parts of the Internet and rendering websites such as The New York Times, Brian Krebs’s site, and French web host OVH out of service for hours. The attackers simply searched the Internet for default usernames and passwords for IoT devices, and then built an army of them to start the DDoS attack.

When it comes down to protecting against these types of threats, antiviruses and iot have a vital role to play. However, this kind of security software needs to expand its surveillance to include monitoring the way IoT devices communicate with each other as well as the external world, and keeping strong password practices in place Two-factor authentication, up-to-date patching. Combined with other security solutions they provide an effective defense against IoT threats.

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