Ways to Delete a Reddit Accounts

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To delete your Reddit account, stick to these steps: First, log in to the website and click on the “Preferences” link. Subsequent, click on the “Delete” tab and enter the username and security password. After this, you’ll certainly be asked to confirm the removal of your bank account. After you confirm your decision, your account will be deleted and you will no longer login.

To erase your account, you should delete all your data. Therefore , you may want to back up your information before deleting your Reddit account. To do this, sign in on your Reddit bank account and click on the “Settings” tab. Select the “Deactivate Account” alternative in the Account menu-settings.

Then, you will need to delete you and reviews. To do this, you will have to access the profile page. Over the account page, click on the “User https://onetechnosolutions.com/ Settings” tab. Following, click on the crimson Deactivate Profile button. In the dialog box that shows up, tell Reddit why you are longing to delete your account. You will need to give your username and password to confirm your decision. Once you confirm this kind of decision, the Reddit bill will be deactivated and you won’t be able to retrieve it.

You may also delete your posts and comments by using these steps. To accomplish this, go to your profile page and click on “User Settings. ” This section is found under “Profile. ” In this menu, simply click “Deactivate Profile. ” You will have to enter the username and password to proceed. Be sure you check the package that says that the deactivated account can’t be recovered.

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