Ceremony Traditions in Ukraine

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Unlike the western, numerous bride cultures in Ukraine have hardly changed for generations. They connect brand-new households with their predecessors. They are an integral part of a wedding ceremony. Some of these traditions are well- known, like as cutting a marriage cake and slamming glasses. Others are more distinct and are the pride of every Ukrainian. One of them is rushnyk, the decorated linen https://thriveworks.com/blog/long-distance-relationships-are-intense/ that carries texts from parents to children. Each location has its own habits and symbols with concealed meaning.

Before the official wedding ceremony, the man visits the couple’s home along with her associates and godparents. They ask the man questions about his upcoming family, praise her ukrainian dating sites and may even question paradoxes. If the groom manages to amaze them with his comments, he pays a compensation, which is usually a jug of horilka or various adult beer. It’s a fun approach for the partners to show that they will be a good meet and have a lengthy union.

At the same time, the princess’s pals arrange a bridal party for her. Conventionally, it was held two or three days before the wedding and consisted of weaving violet, making ceremony trees and singing sad suburbanites melodies. Nowadays, the hen gathering is more likely to contain visiting night leagues and another enjoyment.

Before the marriage ceremony, the groom and his relatives attend the couple’s house with presents. She and her families give a gift to the groom’s community, including embroidered rushnyk. After that, the best person gives a gift to each individual in the couple’s community, calling out their labels. The couple also receives korovai, the core of every Ukrainian ceremony.

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